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Friday, March 15, 2019

Julia 2012 ~ 2019

She is forever six and a half years old. 

She does not suffer fools.

She loves red grapes, colorful sweet pepper slices, mini Babybel cheese rounds, and key lime yogurt for lunch.

She has a weak spot for Reese's peanut butter cups (and most chocolate confections.)

She calls out adults on our obvious nonsense.

She is a solid friend who's in high demand among her peers. 

She sings and dances to Katy Perry's song, Roar.

She is a lioness in a cub's body. 

She asked Santa for 100 boxes of Nilla Wafers.

She giggled seeing the over-sized red sack containing 100+ Nilla Wafer boxes on Christmas morning. 

She makes the magic.

She knows her own mind.

She embodies Tom Petty's lyric:  I won't back down.

She chooses turquoise as her favorite color.

She loves to complete every line of the "See Ya Later Alligator" poem from memory. 

She invents new lines to this sweet rhyme.  She knows they work.

She corrects me EVERY SINGLE TIME I screw up the poem's order. 

She is genuine, as are most six year-olds. 

She loves to dance.

She says she can belly dance, Irish step dance, as well as dance hula. 

She immediately demonstrates each dance to prove it.

She is a unicorn devotee.

She shares the same birthday as my 27 year-old daughter.

She asks, "What's the name of your daughter who has my birthday?"

She has perfected the pouty face and weaponizes it expertly.

She dressed as Wonder Woman for Halloween.  

She is, indeed, a wonder.

She firmly rejects my usual greeting of "Hi Toots!" with,  "I am NOT a Tootsie Roll!" 

She often points her tiny index finger as she admonishes me.

She sometimes includes a foot stomp, yet, she indulges me each time.

She giggles with a semi-deep timbre. 

She fiercely loves her older brother.

She teases her older brother with equal ferocity. 

She is masterful in her role as younger sibling. 

She is a beach bum.

She loves a good hot tub soak.

She adores her mommy and daddy and extended family.

She sparkles.

She is so much more than these few cursory descriptors.

She has been dealt the cruelest of hands. 

She has left us much too soon.  

Dear Reader: Help honor our little friend, Julia, and the too many youngsters like her who have been taken from their loved ones by DIPG and similar childhood central nervous system cancers. 

Childhood cancer research receives only 4 percent of all federal government cancer research funding - 4 percent!!  Help us defeat this beast so no other youngsters and their loved ones suffer.   

Please click on the link below to donate to The Cure Starts Now. 
Then go hug the little folks in your life. Thank you. 

Heroes link:


  1. So incredibly beautiful <3

  2. That was a beautiful way to honor and remember a lovely child.

  3. Amazing tribute to an amazing girl. Thank you for sharing your words!

  4. Julia, little Wonder Woman, you will forever have a place in my heart. - KoP Pop-Pop.

  5. Precious little angel...each beautiful line carried her higher to the heavens.
