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Friday, April 26, 2013

Sports Talk

The title alone tells me this will be a very short post.

I am a sports appreciator.  Team stats, season tickets, pieces of sports trivia have no traction in my daily life.  As I've mentioned in a previous post, I do love attending most sporting events and am truly in the moment.  And when the game ends, well, that's it.

There's no ethics code or high water mark that I'm following about athlete millionaires, billionaire owners, and $5 ballpark sodas.  I am simply unmoved by the minutiae of sports.

I am, however, curious about what gets sports folk riled and the current NFL draft is a doozie.  It seems like a gladiator movie without the blood.  The only things injured are athletes' egos if they are left out of the selection process in Round 1.  But fear not!  Rounds 2 and 3 etc. are just around the bend.

I feel for some of these young men who have been pumped up by coaches, agents, and scouts supposedly 'in the know' to believe they will be a first round pick.  And then they are not.  It's a return to the schoolyard complete with angst; 'coaches' pick who they want on their teams one by one - and inevitably the cheese stands alone (Manti T'eo). 

The late night talk show hosts all mentioned the impending draft in their monologues.  Jay Leno hit the mark noting, "It's gotta be a tricky night for Manti T'eo, huh? When that phone rings is he really being drafted or is it just another scam?"

The fact that the draft is held at Radio City Music Hall (for 8 years!) and is televised really gets my attention.  What's the draw? There's no game. No points are scored.  Players are merely being chosen by professional teams and this warrants prime time attention?  I understand that it is a very, very big deal to the athletes and their families.  How is it a big deal to everyone else?

The local FoxNews station did a funny bit by placing reporters with fans outside the venue asking them how they felt about certain athletes up for grabs - only they used fake names and stats.  Well, what sports fan can resist commenting on any athlete, real or bogus? Apparently not many.  Like fireflies drawn to the light fans gave strong opinions about why these phantom players had a chance.  Some even included stats! 

I say Round 1 of the draft goes to the reporters.

Well, at least admission is free.  That makes everyone a winner.

Here's the link to my last dip into the sports pool:

1 comment:

  1. fun. and I think (this won't be popular) that sports is how men (yes I am generalizing-men) in our society can safely emote. therefore, we exploit every single piece of it. I enjoy VU basket ball; I attended the school. I have ties. I knew the players in my years there.Our society does not applaude men being connected to their feelings with other people in their lives, but wow, we can get behind a guy who is a FAN! It's not only acceptable, it's admired. no harm I guess, but i wish as a society we could do a little more work at home, and not rely on entertainment as an emotional outlet. my 2 cents.
