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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Things I Learned in 2014

Whether it is the battery in your car key fob or in your car, these items should not be ignored.

Raising young children takes a specific set of parenting tools; adult children require a different set of tools that have very little to do with parenting. 

Shucking oysters is even more of a skill than shucking clams.  Both make me feel accomplished.

Human suffering has very long tentacles as does human kindness, however, I am afraid the suffering is winning.

Having your car towed is a bad experience.  Toss in the fact that you are traveling with your friend who just had chemo and her teenage daughters from whom you have to bum money to pay for the late night towing, and, well, it just takes bad to a new dimension.

Friendship's grace really shows up when you are towed.

Metallic tattoos are fun, temporary jewelry.

A three day music festival with your music savvy daughter is bliss.

I have an FM voice.

First and second graders give you a reason to smile every darn day.

I didn't hate reading a book on Kindle (but still prefer the real thing)

The front row movie seat is no longer awful thanks to reclining movie theater seats.

"No Parking" signs in any US city may as well be written in Greek.  Wait, they already are.

Apparently Instagramming one photo a day is appropriate.  I am Instagram inappropriate.

The Serial podcast has me transfixed (I am late to the listening and am currently "binge listening" - is that even a thing?)

J. Roddy Walston and The Business made me like heavy metal music.

I talk aloud to myself when home alone (also when not home alone, as pointed out by both of my daughters)

Paris + Autumn = more bliss.

My family agrees on this one thing - we are beach people.

Thanks so much for indulging me in this vanity project by reading this blog - you are most generous.  I hope 2015 returns your generosity in every way!

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